Thursday, October 7, 2010

I like it... when it makes any sense.

Okay, I know I'm not the first person in the world to snark about this. But listen up, people: if you're trying to raise awareness of something, it kinda helps when people know what the hell you're talking about.

Yes, I'm talking about the new Facebook status meme, in which various people of the female persuasion flirtatiously state their preference on where to place their purse, e.g., "I like it on the floor" or "I like it with a ball gag" "I like it on the table." And somehow, this is supposed to make us big dumb men realize that breast cancer exists.

Well, you know what? We already know. In fact, anyone - regardless of gender - who hasn't been affected by it in some way (whether personally or through friends/family) has probably been living with wolves for the past twenty years, and wouldn't have a Facebook in the first place. I have this mental image of a man dressed in sack-cloth, with matted hair and wild eyes, suddenly returning to civilization and seeing one of these Facebook statuses for the first time. His first reaction isn't "What the hell is a face-book" or even "What the hell is a computer," but rather, "My GOD! How have I been unaware of breast cancer all these years? Quick, Robin--" [and here he's actually talking to a bird] "--to the Crazy-mobile!" And then he jumps out a window and runs away, and everyone is glad he's gone because he hadn't showered in years and he smelled like raccoon urine. Also, he may or may not have had rabies.

My point is, the purse thing doesn't work. It's absolutely pointless and doesn't accomplish anything, because everyone already knows that breast cancer is a huge fucking problem. Instead, maybe you could make your status about a loved one you lost - or, better yet, a loved one who survived breast cancer, thanks to the medical advancements that have been made in recent years. Or, if you want to be suggestive, be suggestive - but don't pretend that it's going to help the cause.

As for me... I just miss the days when innuendo was treasured on its own merits.


  1. Well said, sir Charles. Well said. I'm particularly fond of the mention of raccoon urine. :P

  2. I think you should bring attention to this cause on a much grander scale: Innuendo for Inneundos Sake. Make a quilt. Hold a benefit concert. Public Service Announcements. Hell, you're in Washington - why not a March on the Mall for Innuendos!
